The menstrual taboo

“There are regions where it’s believed that if an unmarried girl uses a pad and a dog smells it, she will never get married. We worked at a village where they believed if women went out after sunset during menstruation, they will go blind.”

Arunachalam Muruganantham, aka. “Pad Man”

A widespread lack of conversation means the negative associations around periods cannot be consciously undone. "Menstruation is a punishment for being born female" is laced through with a deep misogynistic attitude. The general sentiment is reinforced with structural aspects; the whole transaction process for those who can access sanitary pads is discreet and sometimes literally under the counter.

23 million girls a year drop out of school each year when they start their period

And 71% of girls have no knowledge of menstruation.

We know that it is not much use if menstrual education comes from an outsider. It is vital to us that the information is passed on in a culturally-sensitive, positive manner. This is why we deliver our workshops in collaboration with community leaders and local experts in biology.

We believe, to use the cliche, that knowledge is power. We think that the processes of the womb should not only be understood but also appreciated and valued.